V10 is pleased to announce the collaborative delivery of a new sustainable community situated off Northgate Way in the rural village of Terrington St Clement for Stonewater HA.
As dynamic operators in the land led package deal industry, V10 has successfully delivered a key development site enabling our client RP to expand its operational patch into Kings Lynn and Norfolk. The pre-construction and planning matters associated with the project have been robustly de-risked and worked through in unison with our long standing partner contractor Burmor Construction and their architects of choice Swann Edwards.
Meeting local housing needs
Stonewater’s values strongly align with V10’s objectives to provide additional affordable homes where possible to address the surrounding demands of local housing needs in village locations such as Terrington St Clements. Moving forward our client will be seeking permission to provide a wholly affordable mixed tenure residential development for 76 new units. The mix of properties will consist of one, two, three and four bedroom homes that are shared ownership, social rent, affordable rent and rent-to-buy to catering for the broad demographic of the area providing much needed affordable family homes within the borough.
Local vernacular nuances to create design interest within street scenes
The proposed sustainable community has been designed in such a manner that facades are to be afforded with architectural features to reflect the appearance of surrounding properties which will look comfortably appropriate in this rural setting. This will be achieved using a carefully selected palette of external materials which replicate the nearby countryside properties providing a sense of eye pleasing interest within the developments street scenes.
Coupled with the above the scheme will contain feature house types in key focal locations which have decorative frontages and enhanced glazing features providing kerb appeal throughout.
Creating countryside aspects and enhanced amenity for leisure and play
The site benefits from views across open countryside with properties being configured to enjoy such aspects. Many mature trees are to be retained along the wooded boundaries of Benns Lane and Northgate Way providing privacy and a green haven to gardens areas. A large swathe of on-site open space will be located abutting the Southern boundary which will incorporate a new meandering footway to provide connectivity to the local road network and surrounding development. Within this green hub a child’s play area and feature seating will also be accommodated for residents and children to relax and enjoy these outdoor amenities.
Added sustainability initiatives
Alongside the open space and trees to be preserved there are number of additional sustainable initiatives that align with V10’s values. In this regard a new enhanced planting bund between the farmhouse, existing businesses and development site will be formed to create a green landscaped belt to provide screening to properties and to act as a partial buffer against adjacent noises.
In order to contain and attenuate ground water, permeable paving and a SUDS pond feature will be incorporated into the scheme providing sustainable drainage measures. All properties are to be provided with cycle sheds to encourage active travel by bicycle and air source heat pumps are to be provided throughout as a form of non-fossil fuel heating.
Modern Methods Of Construction
In delivering the scheme to Stonewater modern methods of construction are to be adopted which aligns with V10’s core sustainability value. Our contractor of choice Burmor Construction are experts in this field of approach and have assessed the options available to them to move forward on this basis. Highly insulated closed timber panels are to be built off site in a controlled factory environment and installed to form the wall system to properties contained within the scheme on site. The benefit of this approach minimises the time and energy spent on site whilst also reducing pollution and disruption at site level to the surrounding neighbourhood. Waste can also be controlled and reduced more easily when applying the uses of repetitive MMC processes and installations. The overall aim being to create energy efficient sustainable homes keeping bills low for occupants.
At the time of writing consideration is being given to how best to achieve a 55% pre-manufactured value using other offsite techniques and components. We hope to be able to report on this criteria being hit as V10 remain keen to be at the forefront of all sustainable methods of construction with a view to guiding all our contracting partners to operate this way and join us on this journey.