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Coastal construction advancing at pace for Home Group

V10 is pleased to report on the hive of activity which is underway at the Clacton-on-Sea site which was realised in collaboration with Home Group and our local contracting partner EJ Taylor.

Drone footage taken from a recent site visit shows works on this 132x plot scheme advancing with great impetus towards the delivery of a new sustainable community set within the Essex coastline for our RP client. As respected operators in the land led package deal industry V10 successfully un-locked this sizeable development opportunity within Home Group’s key operational patch and show homes are planned for an Autumn opening, following the procurement of major complex groundworks.

Here at V10 we specialise in resolving legal, planning and pre-construction matters associated with projects to be brought on stream for our Housing Association partners. Our in-house expertise has again enabled us to diligently de-risk a number of challenging technical issues in unison with EJ Taylors to ensure the site remained within the budget parameters available.

Much needed affordable housing

Home Groups values strongly accord with V10’s objectives to provide additional affordable homes where possible to meet the surrounding demand in costal locations such as Clacton-on-Sea. Moving forward, our client has elected to provide a wholly affordable mixed tenure residential development for 132 new units in total. The mix of properties will consist of one, two, three and four bedroom homes that are for shared ownership and affordable rent – to support local housing needs in the surrounding catchment.

Essex vernacular to provide kerb appeal.

The proposed sustainable community has been designed to ensure facades are to be afforded with architectural features to reflect the appearance of the surrounding vernacular of properties. Coupled with this, the scheme aligns with the criteria set out in the Essex Design Code providing ample garden and driveway sizing to all plots. Adding interest to street scenes, the scheme will contain feature house types in key focal locations which have decorative frontages and enhanced glazing features to gables providing kerb appeal throughout.

Big skies and countryside views

The site gently undulates to provide views at its top edge across open countryside with lower situated properties being configured to enjoy aspects across the generously proportioned open space area containing leisure pathways, play and ecological zones for the new community to enjoy. Much of the established hedgerows are to be retained along the existing boundaries and these will be bolstered further to create a green haven for wildlife habitats.

Delivering biodiversity and sustainability initiatives

Alongside the open space and hedgerows to be preserved there are number of additional sustainable initiatives that align with V10’s values. In this regard, a new enhanced ecological planting zone is to be created within the site to enhance biodiversity. Prior to construction commencing, wildlife species were trapped and translocated as part of an approved mitigation strategy with the LA which has now been completed.

Addressing potential flood issues, a robust drainage strategy has been formulated. In order to contain and attenuate ground water, permeable paving, swales and a large SUDS pond feature have been incorporated into the scheme providing sustainable drainage measures. These are now in place within the POS zone and can be clearly seen from the aerial footage captured by our team showing the development in its rural settling with the coastline a pebbles’ throw away!


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